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Monday, February 27, 2012

Event: Job opportunities @New York City Department of Education, March 22nd

Want to hear about job opportunities (full-time, part-time, and internships) at the New York  City Department of Education? Or just learn more about their work? 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28

Remember our next meeting: Tuesday, February 28 at 7pm in the Group Study Area in Lehman Library. 

Preliminary agenda:

I. Updates: Outreach, Academics, Joint events
   A. Outreach emails

II. Planning a Brown Bag

III. Setting a date for a Happy Hour
   A. Who to invite

IV. Next steps to create a Digest

V. Open-ended questions: 
   A. Do we want an advisor?
   B. Opening up membership to SIPA (and beyond) community?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update and February 13 meeting notes

February 13 meeting notes


Hi everyone,

Hope you all are having a nice weekend! I just wanted to send you an update from our last meeting and let you know what's in the pipeline.

1. We received notification of funding from the UNSPWG, and we now have a budget of $250. This is more than most new student groups receive, so we have the UNSPWG to thank for their generosity!

2. Outreach is going to be key for our success. Cory and Jordan have already started a Google Doc with different sheets for us to record the contact info of Education Collaborative members (that's all of us!), other Columbia students, Columbia faculty, NYC contacts and International contacts. Please enter in your info, and the info of anyone else who would like to be part of our extended network.
3. We will be starting an Education Collaborative Digest to send to our internal members AND external network. This will be one way of making ourselves known to the greater Columbia community and reaching out to more contacts and potential partners. So when you add people to the lists of extended networks on Cory and Jordan's Doc, please make sure that these people know they will be subscribed to this Digest. We will send an email out to them in advance as well.
4. We will plan at least one Brown Bag before the end of the semester. At our meeting, the possible topics for a Brown Bag included:
   1. Education marketization and its role in economic development;
   2. Education as it pertains to the Millennium Development Goals and affects genders differently;
   3. Worldwide social movements focused on education or initiated by participants
     within the education system (i.e., the student protests in Chile)
I will send out a Google Doc shortly asking for any other theme ideas you might have and who you know who might be willing to present.
5. The Society for International Education at Teachers College has contacted us about the possibility of partnering up with them and the International Education program at NYU to plan a day-long professional development workshop showcasing opportunities in international education. The workshop would most likely take place in April and include a few panels and a reception. Stay tuned for more info as this initiative takes shape.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Meetings Spring 2012

The next meeting is this coming Monday, February 13th at 8pm. The future meetings are listed below:

Tuesday, February 28 at 7pm
Tuesday, March 20 at 7pm
Monday, April 2 at 8pm
Monday, April 16 at 8pm

For now, we'll continue to meet in the Group Study Area in Lehman Library on the 3rd floor of the SIPA building.

Friday, February 3, 2012

New officers and projects for Spring 2012

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who came to our Education Collaborative meeting yesterday. It was very productive and we have lots to report on, such as newly elected officers, funding and future meetings, projects, Brown Bags and Happy Hours.

To start with, congrats to our newly elected officers!

President: Coli Clements
Secretary: Pablo Alfaro
Treasurer: Catalina Diez
Outreach Co-Chairs: Cory Fox and Jordan Brensinger
Academic Chair: Dara MacDonald

Since the UNSPWG continues to be our parent-organization, they agreed to allocate some of their funds to us for the semester. We asked for $300, but the final amount has yet to be determined.

Future meetings:
From now on we will be holding meetings every other week. Our four options for meeting times are as follows: Monday @ 8pm; Tuesday @ 1pm; Tuesday @ 7pm; Thursday @ 1pm. I know we've asked you to use Doodle a lot, but please fill out this Doodle one more time so that we can gauge which time accommodates the most people.
Next steps:
This semester our main goals will be to expand our network and create thorough and robust lists of education-related courses, professors, student groups and institutions across Columbia. The Outreach and Academic Chairs will update us on this front as the semester moves along. 

We will also aim to put on two Brown Bags and host Happy Hours to continue to get to know each other and highlight the importance of an education community at Columbia. The Society for International Education at Teachers College has also expressed interest in co-sponsoring an event with us later in the semester.

For our Brown Bags, we would like to gather some input from all of you. What topics are you interested in? Who do you know (professors, educational practitioners, etc. in the community) who would be interested in speaking with us? We will send out a document on this shortly, but in the meantime, please respond to this email and let us know of your ideas!

Stay tuned for more soon!

Have a great weekend,