July 8-12, 2013
Below is information about a great opportunity through Teacher's College. Information is below. Please visit the web address above for more information.
The School Law Institute
Teachers College, Columbia University July 8-12, 2013, New York City
Available for 3 graduate credits or on a non-credit basis
This nationally renowned program serves policy makers and policy analysts; practicing board members and state, district, and school-level administrators in traditional public schools and charter schools; special education staff; bilingual/ESL staff; union reps; school lawyers; and advocates.
Join leaders in education law to discuss critical issues of law, policy, and practice.
- Charter Schools: John King, Jr., Commissioner of Education, NY, former Managing Director of Uncommon Schools & Co-Founder of Roxbury Prep.
- Race, Poverty, and Education: Gary Orfield, Professor and Co-Director, UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles
- Federal Education Policy: Jack Jennings, Former President and CEO, Center on Education Policy; Former General Counsel, House Committee on Education & Welfare
- Cyber-Bullying and Internet Issues: Rhoda Schneider, General Counsel and Senior Associate Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Education
- Supporting English-Language Learners: Patricia Gándara, Professor and Co-Director, UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles
- Serving Students with Disabilities: Perry Zirkel, University Professor, Lehigh University; Rhoda Schneider, Massachusetts Department of Education
- Fiscal Equity and Educational Adequacy: Michael Rebell, Professor and Executive Director, Campaign for Educational Equity, Teachers College
- Important Supreme Court Decisions on the Use of Race in Education:Dennis Parker, National Director, Racial Justice Project, American Civil Liberties Union
- Harassment and Bullying: Maree Sneed, Senior partner, HoganLovells, DC
- Testing for Student Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation: Jay P. Heubert,Professor of Law and Education, Teachers College
- Safety and Order: Search and Seizure, Child Abuse: Rhoda Schneider,General Counsel and Senior Associate Commissioner, Massachusetts DOE
- Free Speech Right of Students and Teachers: Jay P. Heubert, Professor of Law and Education, Teachers College.