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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Follow up: Sandy School Supply Drive

During November, the Education Collaborative conducted a school supply drive for PS 329, one of the city schools relocated due to Sandy storm.

Thanks to your help, we were able to collect:
  • Several boxes with school supplies.
  • $379 in donations through our Amazon wishlist.
  • $215 in cash.
Education Collaborative members delivered your donations to PS 329, which were received by Mrs. Salema Marbury (Principal) and Mrs. Lisa Lafontant (Assistant Principal). They thanked the Columbia University community for this support, and many teachers showed also great appreciation for our support.

Fortunately, the school came back to its building, although the first floor was still being repaired when we visited the school.

A big thank you to all of you!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Summer Internship Series: EdVillage

Catalina Diez (cd2603 MPA 2013)
Washington DC, USA

This is an article of our Summer Internship Series.
Click here to see more articles like this one.

During the past summer I did my internship in a local NGO called EdVillage ( EdVillage is an international education nonprofit organization. It identifies and supports transformational school models and education entrepreneurs around the world that seek to provide a high-quality, university preparatory education to children from economically disadvantaged communities. They do this by providing world-class school leadership training and specialized school start-up and improvement services. Their current work is focused mainly in South Africa and India.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Follow up: Internship Panel

The Education Collaborative hosted an internship panel last November 29th. SIPA second year students discussed  how they engaged in the internship search process, their experiences in their diverse positions, and their advice on how to find a great internship. In the picture, the panelists (from left to right):
  • Jason Shaad (Uncommon Schools)
  • Kia Higgins (The After School Corporation)
  • Carly Roberts (Newark Trust for Education)
  • Pablo Alfaro (The World Bank)
  • Cory Fox (The DREAM Project, Dominican Republic)
  • Nora Zenzcak (Early Childhood Development work in the Millennium Village Project, Rwanda)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Education Internship Panel

Thursday Nov. 29th
IAB 411, Columbia University
RSVP in Facebook event

Do you care about global education issues? 
Are you interested in an internship in the education sector? 

Then join the Education Collaborative for an internship panel featuring current SIPA students who have held domestic and international internships in the education field. Panelists will discuss how they engaged in the internship search process, their experiences in their diverse positions, and their advice on how to find a great internship. 

Refreshments will be served!

Summer Internship Series: The Millenium Villages Project

Debi Spindelman (des2162, MDP 2013)
The Millenium Villages Project
Mbola, Tanzania

This is an article of our Summer Internship Series. 
Click here to see more articles like this one.

Organization: The Millennium Villages Project (MVP) is a project of the Earth Institute at Columbia University, the United Nations Development Programme, and Millennium Promise. Consisting of 13 original "case study" villages across Sub-Saharan Africa, the MVP seeks to develop a set of best practices in approaches to ending extreme poverty and meeting the Millennium Development Goals. The Millennium Villages aim to promote an integrated approach to rural development. By improving access to clean water, sanitation and other essential infrastructure such as education, food production, basic health care, and by focusing on environmental sustainability, Millennium Villages claims to ensure that communities living in extreme poverty have a real, sustainable opportunity to lift themselves out of the poverty trap.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Follow up: Education Reforms in New York City- An Insider's View

Jim Liebman and Martin Kurzweil

Thank you very much to Jim Liebman and Martin Kurzweil for their interesting insights regarding the accountability reforms in the city of New York on our event last Thursday (November 8th). We reviewed the Department of Education framework of bottom-up accountability, the progress reports, and discussed the main outcomes of the reform. Since accountability policies are currently such a strong trend, as Ed Collaborative we look forward to continue the conversation in future events.

Video recording available on Youtube, click on Read More below.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Opportunity: Part-time internship at the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF)

The Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF), member of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), is currently seeking a part-time intern within the framework of the Knowledge and Education Unpaid Internship Program (KEIP).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Event: Education Reforms in New York City- An Insider's View

Wednesday Nov. 8th, 1pm
Room TBD, International Affairs Building

Interested in K-12 public education reform? 
What about school accountability initiatives in New York City?

Come join the Ed Collaborative as we get an insider's perspective on how data-driven accountability reforms were implemented in New York City. Jim Liebman, former Chief Accountability Officer of New York City's Department of Education and professor at Columbia Law School, will let us know what went on behind the scenes, and share his current view on the progress and impact of the reform.

Pizza will be served!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Opportunities: Teach for All

We've got these opportunities at Teach for All through the Center for Public Research and Leadership. Click below on Read more for more details.
  • Senior Director of East Asia - Pacific (Hong Kong preferred, Flexible)
  • Senior Director of Latin America (Flexible; Latin America preferred)
  • Vice President, Public Affairs
  • Senior Director, Public & Private Sector Support

Monday, October 22, 2012

Volunteer opportunity: Women LEAD

Are you interested in women's rights and leadership around the world? 

Women LEAD is looking for several volunteers to form a New York City team. Volunteers are needed who would like to commit 3-5 hours per month. Women LEAD's mission is to facilitate the development of leadership for young girls around the world. Specifically, the organization offers several leadership programs for girls in Nepal, where 60% of women are illiterate, and 90% of youth programs are aimed at boys. 

More information can be found at
Email Erinn Bernstein at if you'd like to apply to volunteer, or if you'd like to hear more about volunteer opportunities and the Women LEAD organization.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Volunteer opportunity: Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Project (DREAM)

The Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Project (DREAM), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization providing educational programming in the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, is currently seeking qualified volunteers to assist in the development of Book Club curricula for its at-risk youth program, Young Stars (Estrellas Jovenes).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pictures: Education Happy Hour (October 10th, 2012)

Thank you for attending to our joint Education happy hour at Amsterdam Cafe! We had the opportunity to meet students interested in Education across different Columbia and NYU graduate schools.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Board meeting

Thursday Sept. 20th
Lehman Library, Group Study 3rd floor

After our successful Kick-Off meeting last Monday, this Thursday we will have our first regular Board Meeting. If you are interested in discussing issues such as this semester goals and initiatives, please join us. In addition, please come if you would like to apply to one of the two open Board positions (Communications Co-Chair and Events Chair).

Summer Internship Series: The DREAM Project

Cory Fox (caf2152, MIA 2013)
The DREAM Project
Dominican Republic

This is an article of our Summer Internship Series. 
Click here to see more articles like this one.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Opportunities in International Educational Development: Envisioning Your Future as a Young Professional

Friday April 13th, 2012 | Grace Dodge Hall 179 | Teachers College, Columbia University

The Society for International Education at Teachers College, Education Collaborative at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), and International Education Student Board at New York University invite you to this conference.

Check the agenda and RSVP here.

Follow up: Brown Bag | Education: Fostering Change or Protecting the Status Quo?

Professor Ginsburg
Professor Urquiola
We had a very interesting conversation with Professor Urquiola and Professor Ginsburg about the role of education in development and in overcoming inequality. Professor Urquiola presented an approach from an economics perspective and discussed how the design of an educational system influences the way in which inequality is passed down (or not passed down) from one generation to the next. Professor Ginsburg challenged us to think about education from a human rights perspective and offered an alternative set of "rules" that could be used to redefine the way citizens are educated.

Check the papers that the professors shared with us and the pictures of the event here.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Pictures: Happy hour (March 22nd, 2012)

Thank you for attending to our first happy hour! Empanadas and mojitos at Havana Central were the perfect complement for a good conversation between students from SIPA, Teachers College and the School of Social Work. Looking forward to see you all in our next event!

Pictures: NYC Department of Education event (March 22nd, 2012)

The Center for Public Research and Leadership (CPRL) organized this great event in partnership with the Education Collaborative, Education Law & Policy Society (Columbia Law School), Education Law & Policy Society (NYU Law School), Policy Student Network (Teachers College) and the Social Enterprise Club (Columbia Business School).

We met Paymon Rouhanifard, Executive Director, and other members of the Office of Portfolio Management team to discuss the portfolio approach and job opportunities at the DOE.

Check the pictures here.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy hour this Thursday!

Events and announcements

Hi everyone!

We hope you all enjoyed your Spring Break. This week the Education Collaborative offers you opportunities to take part in one meeting and two events. Additionally, this update includes announcements and one "save the date" for April.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Update and February 28 meeting notes

Hi everyone!

Hope you've all had a nice weekend. Here's a quick EDU Collaborative update...

I. Outreach is getting underway, and we will be sending a Digest to our external network within the month, so please
update here the Outreach spreadsheet with your contacts (non-SIPA students, faculty, NYC contacts, etc)

II. Upcoming events:
  • March 22nd panel with the Law and Business schools, followed by an EDU Collaborative-sponsored Happy Hour. RSVP for the panel at:
  • Brown Bag with Miguel Urquiola and Mark Ginsburg in April (3rd or 17th)
  • Joint TC-NYU conference on April 13th
III. Next meeting on Tuesday, March 20th at 7pm

Please see the Shared Documents section (right column) for full meeting notes.

Have a great week and a relaxing Spring Break!


Monday, February 27, 2012

Event: Job opportunities @New York City Department of Education, March 22nd

Want to hear about job opportunities (full-time, part-time, and internships) at the New York  City Department of Education? Or just learn more about their work? 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Next meeting: Tuesday, February 28

Remember our next meeting: Tuesday, February 28 at 7pm in the Group Study Area in Lehman Library. 

Preliminary agenda:

I. Updates: Outreach, Academics, Joint events
   A. Outreach emails

II. Planning a Brown Bag

III. Setting a date for a Happy Hour
   A. Who to invite

IV. Next steps to create a Digest

V. Open-ended questions: 
   A. Do we want an advisor?
   B. Opening up membership to SIPA (and beyond) community?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Update and February 13 meeting notes

February 13 meeting notes


Hi everyone,

Hope you all are having a nice weekend! I just wanted to send you an update from our last meeting and let you know what's in the pipeline.

1. We received notification of funding from the UNSPWG, and we now have a budget of $250. This is more than most new student groups receive, so we have the UNSPWG to thank for their generosity!

2. Outreach is going to be key for our success. Cory and Jordan have already started a Google Doc with different sheets for us to record the contact info of Education Collaborative members (that's all of us!), other Columbia students, Columbia faculty, NYC contacts and International contacts. Please enter in your info, and the info of anyone else who would like to be part of our extended network.
3. We will be starting an Education Collaborative Digest to send to our internal members AND external network. This will be one way of making ourselves known to the greater Columbia community and reaching out to more contacts and potential partners. So when you add people to the lists of extended networks on Cory and Jordan's Doc, please make sure that these people know they will be subscribed to this Digest. We will send an email out to them in advance as well.
4. We will plan at least one Brown Bag before the end of the semester. At our meeting, the possible topics for a Brown Bag included:
   1. Education marketization and its role in economic development;
   2. Education as it pertains to the Millennium Development Goals and affects genders differently;
   3. Worldwide social movements focused on education or initiated by participants
     within the education system (i.e., the student protests in Chile)
I will send out a Google Doc shortly asking for any other theme ideas you might have and who you know who might be willing to present.
5. The Society for International Education at Teachers College has contacted us about the possibility of partnering up with them and the International Education program at NYU to plan a day-long professional development workshop showcasing opportunities in international education. The workshop would most likely take place in April and include a few panels and a reception. Stay tuned for more info as this initiative takes shape.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Meetings Spring 2012

The next meeting is this coming Monday, February 13th at 8pm. The future meetings are listed below:

Tuesday, February 28 at 7pm
Tuesday, March 20 at 7pm
Monday, April 2 at 8pm
Monday, April 16 at 8pm

For now, we'll continue to meet in the Group Study Area in Lehman Library on the 3rd floor of the SIPA building.

Friday, February 3, 2012

New officers and projects for Spring 2012

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who came to our Education Collaborative meeting yesterday. It was very productive and we have lots to report on, such as newly elected officers, funding and future meetings, projects, Brown Bags and Happy Hours.

To start with, congrats to our newly elected officers!

President: Coli Clements
Secretary: Pablo Alfaro
Treasurer: Catalina Diez
Outreach Co-Chairs: Cory Fox and Jordan Brensinger
Academic Chair: Dara MacDonald

Since the UNSPWG continues to be our parent-organization, they agreed to allocate some of their funds to us for the semester. We asked for $300, but the final amount has yet to be determined.

Future meetings:
From now on we will be holding meetings every other week. Our four options for meeting times are as follows: Monday @ 8pm; Tuesday @ 1pm; Tuesday @ 7pm; Thursday @ 1pm. I know we've asked you to use Doodle a lot, but please fill out this Doodle one more time so that we can gauge which time accommodates the most people.
Next steps:
This semester our main goals will be to expand our network and create thorough and robust lists of education-related courses, professors, student groups and institutions across Columbia. The Outreach and Academic Chairs will update us on this front as the semester moves along. 

We will also aim to put on two Brown Bags and host Happy Hours to continue to get to know each other and highlight the importance of an education community at Columbia. The Society for International Education at Teachers College has also expressed interest in co-sponsoring an event with us later in the semester.

For our Brown Bags, we would like to gather some input from all of you. What topics are you interested in? Who do you know (professors, educational practitioners, etc. in the community) who would be interested in speaking with us? We will send out a document on this shortly, but in the meantime, please respond to this email and let us know of your ideas!

Stay tuned for more soon!

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Education Collaborative Update

Hi everyone!

Please bear with this long but very informative email and be sure to
CLICK ON THE DOODLE at the end of the message.

The Education Collaborative had a great meeting last Friday.
Unfortunately, the Happy Hour didn't work out as planned, but we'll
keep you posted for the next gathering very soon.

As of right now, we have a name, a mission, potential positions for
group members and proposed projects for the semester and beyond. We're
also exploring possibilities for funding and/or creating our own group
for this next semester.

1.      Group title:
Education Collaborative

2.      Mission:
We are a community of students and professors united by a common
belief that education is fundamental to international and public
affairs. We aim to highlight the importance of education for human
development and develop a platform for collaboration between SIPA,
Columbia, and New York City to build on our diversity of experiences
and interests in education.

3.      Positions:
-Head Coordinator (**Once the group grows, this position may need to be split into two parts: an External Coordinator and an Internal Coordinator; for now, though, the responsibilities for the one position include organizing EDU Collaborative meetings, overseeing various activities, corresponding with SIPASA, UNSPWG and other SIPA groups, etc)
-Internal Communications Chair (Taking notes at meetings, sending out
emails, etc)
-External Communications Chair (Maintaining the blog, calendar,
resource sharing, etc - basically what Pablo has been doing already)
-Treasurer (Self-explanatory)
-Outreach Chair (**May require two people: reaching out to larger
Columbia community including TC, School of Social Work, etc, to build
up our network)
-Academic Chair (**Up for discussion: compiling group lists)

4.      Projects:
-Building up our network across Columbia (TC, Social Work, Law,
Business, etc) perhaps through Happy Hours, outreach, etc
-Identifying and compiling group lists of the following:
     Students from each school interested in education
     Education courses across Columbia (and how to cross-register)
     Education-oriented professors across Columbia
     Education-oriented institutes and centers across Columbia
     Education-oriented student groups across Columbia
-Brown bags/Working lunches
-(in the long term) A one- or two-day Education Forum bringing experts
from around the University and beyond to speak (if you'd like more
details on this Forum, email Coli)

If any of you who weren't able to attend the meeting have ideas for
other positions we should vote on or other projects we should
consider, please respond to this email! Otherwise, we will go ahead
with our plan for the next meeting as is.

We would like to schedule another meeting sometime next
week to vote on these positions. We will then decide on a
regular time for our group to meet so that our proposed projects can
move forward.

Now for the doodle...please let us know when you'll be free to meet!
See below:

And check out our Official Blog (We're ONLINE, thanks to Pablo!)

Thanks so much!!