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Sunday, April 8, 2012

Opportunities in International Educational Development: Envisioning Your Future as a Young Professional

Friday April 13th, 2012 | Grace Dodge Hall 179 | Teachers College, Columbia University

The Society for International Education at Teachers College, Education Collaborative at the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), and International Education Student Board at New York University invite you to this conference.

Check the agenda and RSVP here.

Follow up: Brown Bag | Education: Fostering Change or Protecting the Status Quo?

Professor Ginsburg
Professor Urquiola
We had a very interesting conversation with Professor Urquiola and Professor Ginsburg about the role of education in development and in overcoming inequality. Professor Urquiola presented an approach from an economics perspective and discussed how the design of an educational system influences the way in which inequality is passed down (or not passed down) from one generation to the next. Professor Ginsburg challenged us to think about education from a human rights perspective and offered an alternative set of "rules" that could be used to redefine the way citizens are educated.

Check the papers that the professors shared with us and the pictures of the event here.