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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Follow up: Sandy School Supply Drive

During November, the Education Collaborative conducted a school supply drive for PS 329, one of the city schools relocated due to Sandy storm.

Thanks to your help, we were able to collect:
  • Several boxes with school supplies.
  • $379 in donations through our Amazon wishlist.
  • $215 in cash.
Education Collaborative members delivered your donations to PS 329, which were received by Mrs. Salema Marbury (Principal) and Mrs. Lisa Lafontant (Assistant Principal). They thanked the Columbia University community for this support, and many teachers showed also great appreciation for our support.

Fortunately, the school came back to its building, although the first floor was still being repaired when we visited the school.

A big thank you to all of you!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Summer Internship Series: EdVillage

Catalina Diez (cd2603 MPA 2013)
Washington DC, USA

This is an article of our Summer Internship Series.
Click here to see more articles like this one.

During the past summer I did my internship in a local NGO called EdVillage ( EdVillage is an international education nonprofit organization. It identifies and supports transformational school models and education entrepreneurs around the world that seek to provide a high-quality, university preparatory education to children from economically disadvantaged communities. They do this by providing world-class school leadership training and specialized school start-up and improvement services. Their current work is focused mainly in South Africa and India.